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Dual Language Immersion



Dual Language Immersion

Department Address 
1515 Hughes Way
Long Beach, CA 90810

Department Phone 
(562) 997-8000 x 7142960

Dual Language Immersion - Administration

Contact Phone / Address Position / Responsibility
Martha Alba-Gonzalez (562) 997-8000 x 7142960 Dual Language Coordinator

Dual Language Immersion - Staff

Contact Phone / Address Position / Responsibility
Viviana Gutierrez (562)997-8000 x 7141251 Coach
Angela Medina (562)997-8000 x 7141320 Coach
Vacant (562)997-8000 ext. 7142960 Staff Secretary

Dual Language Immersion Offers

Unique and exciting opportunities for students to prepare for a global future, become bilingual and biliterate in two languages, and develops multicultural perspectives

Dual Language Immersion Program Models

90/10 Dual Language Immersion Program Model

90/10 DI program model is a dual language instructional model where beginning in Kindergarten, 90% of instruction is in a target language and 10% of instruction is English. The percentage of instruction in English increases in each subsequent grade until reaching a 50/50 distribution in 4th through 8th grade.

Offering a 90:10 Dual Language Immersion program:

50/50 Dual Language Immersion Program Model

50/50 Dual Language Immersion program model is a dual language instructional model where 50% of instruction is in a target language and 50% of instruction is in English from Kindergarten through 8th grade.

50/50 Dual Immersion programs:

Offering a 50:50 Dual Language Immersion program:

Dual Language 90/10 School Sites

Dual Language 50/50 School Sites

Video: Dual Language Immersion

Video: Programa de Immersión Dual


